We practice every Tuesday evening. In addition, we spend several weekends a year participating in intensive training sessions.
Every member has the opportunity for training in safety and emergency management, vehicle operation, fire behaviour, building construction, fire control, hose and nozzle use, ropes and knots, search and rescue, motor vehicle accident response, ladders, ventilation, water supply, salvage and overhaul, fire cause investigation, communications, fire prevention, and public education.
Firefighters must be competent in operating tools and equipment while performing various tasks specific to each general topic. Our training motto is simple... "Everyone has to know how to do everything."
We continually welcome people to apply to become volunteer firefighters and EMA first responders. No experience is necessary; all training is provided.
Application packages can be picked up at the Village of Keremeos office (250) 499 2711 or the fire hall (250) 499 2200 or downloaded below.
Please review the information package below to see if you'll be a good fit.
Have you read through the package and are still interested in joining? If so, please download and fill out the appropriate application.
Note: clicking on the links below will automatically download the PDF files you must complete.
For all applicants
For applicants 18 years of age or younger, please also complete this form
If you have completed filling out the above forms, please email the completed applications to kerfire151@gmail.com.
Or, drop them off in person at the Fire Hall or the Village of Keremeos Office. Alternatively, you can mail the completed forms to:
Keremeos Fire DepartmentNote: Applications will be kept on file until recruits are accepted. Only those accepted will be notified for an interview.
Fires, floods, car crashes, medical emergencies... When people need help, we're there.
Now we need your help.
As a volunteer firefighter in Keremeos, you'll learn many new skills and much about yourself.